Motostuhl Exploration in Ergonomics Field

A Deep Appreciation

The essence of ergonomics is how to improve efficiency and comfort in work or living place, it helps to reduce discomfort at work, In our quest for a competitive edge and enhanced performance, humanity, well-being, and sense of purpose should be at the center. 

Traditional task chairs often limit and even disrupt natural movement. For our engineers and designers this meant rethinking the chair from top to bottom, from the inside out, and the outside in.

We advocate intermittently standing office. Ergonomics requires not only excellent chair support in sitting posture, but also good posture support while standing. Our lifting desk has the world's top suppliers and the essence of original design, our balance board's function, design, material are unique in the world, our supporting stool and storage system can always support your standing work needs.


Our Design

Suspension Technology

S6’s back is designed like a human’s, with a central spine and flexible ribs. The Backfit adjustment allows you to position the backrest in line with your spine’s natural curve, so you achieve a neutral, balanced posture. Once the chair is tuned to fit you, the backrest adapts to your movement, adjusting automatically to your shifting positions. Whether you lean forward or recline, support remains constant.


Lumbar Supporter

S6 developed the chair’s back using the laws of physics, combining with a separate lumbar support, which tends to create a pressure point and requires manual adjustment to adjust the degree of tightness so that the backrest perfectly conforms to the sitter’s entire back as if custom made for them.​


Zero Pressure Technology

To maximize comfort, Mission arched the front of seat, solving a perennial problem of hard edges placing pressure on the knees and contact stress behind the thights, allowing long-term comfort and total supports for every sitter.  Mission purchase its fabric from K+R has an ability of self supporting and shrinkage technology, creating different tension within the same mesh for comfort seating. Thanks to a dynamic matrix of pixels, the seat and back automatically conform to your body’s micro-movements, distributing your weight evenly as you sit. This reduces pressure and encourages movement, both of which are key to maintaining healthy circulation and focus.

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